There is a lot that goes into setting up for a market day, both by the coordinators and the vendors! On the coordinators side of things (that's us!), the booths must be marked out, any obstructing objects removed from the market grounds, the speakers and music prepared, the parking and advertising signs distributed, our own tables and tents set up, milk coolers unloaded (for The Jersey Barnyard deliveries), and weights set out (since we provide tents & weights to the vendors). On the vendor's side of things, the products and signage must be unloaded, cars parked, tables and tablecloths set up, banners hung, displays arranged and credit card processing prepared. After the vendors arrive, we also like to greet the vendors, answer any questions they may have, and help them with unloading or setting up if needed. This is a huge job for both parties, and we're always grateful for more hands to accomplish it! It's also a wonderful time of connection and routine in the morning, especially when the sun is out a the weather is lovely! If you think you might be enjoy helping in set up and tear down, just fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we'll get in touch with you from there!