How To Pre Order Grass Fed And Finished Beef And Have It Delivered To Montgomery Farmers Market For Pick Up
One of the cornerstone products that MFM provides access to every week is grass fed and finished beef. There are two vendors that currently share in supplying MFM with grass fed and finished meat right now: Timberlake Farms run by Pat and Ted Stevens, and The Serenity Homestead who partners with the local ranch Downes Natural Beef. These vendors are truly the cream of the crop - they go above and beyond to insure that their meat is as pure and natural as it can be. MFM regards them as examples for what it means to be truly "beyond organic". Not only are they all extremely vigilant in watching over their land and protecting it from chemicals that come in the form of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, weed killers, chemical fertilizers, and more, but Timberlake Farms even use regenerative practices such as rotational grazing and compost teas to put nutrients back into the soil. Even though their animals are fed only grass and hay all year long, they still have to consider things like, "where is my hay harvested from? Was it sprayed with anything?" and "Was the field next to it sprayed?".

They are also faced with challenges regarding the processing facilities they use. Not all processors are created equal, and if they take their cattle to a facility which is run poorly they can run the risk of leaving with meat from someone else's cow. In addition, small ranches have been having a harder and harder time getting in to process meat. It has been taking months to even get on the schedule with a processor, and some have simply stopped taking new clients. However, the good news is that These farmers do what they do not because it is easy, but because they love to provide people with clean, natural nourishment! If you'd like to start to order from these incredible farmers and support our local supply chains, you can come by the market each week and check out their products! MFM does its best to always have a grass fed and finished beef vendor on-site. You can see which beef vendor will be at market each week by visiting our website montgomeryfarmersmarket.com and taking a look at the market schedule on the home page. Both of our beef vendors takes pre-orders to be delivered and picked-up at market, and it really helps them out when people take advantage of this! Here's is how to order from Timberlake Farms and Serenity Homestead:
First determine which vendor will be at market the following week by visiting our website at montgomeryfarmersmarket.com and looking on the home page. Next follow the steps listed below to order from the appropriate vendor, and be sure to place your order before Thursday night at 11:59 PM to allow the farmers to have enough time to prepare your order!
Steps To order from Serenity Homestead:
1. Visit their website at theserenityhomestead.com
2. Click on the "Shop" button
3. Click on the "100% Grassfed Beef" tab
4. Begin shopping from their selection of products
2. Click on the "Shop" button
3. Click on the "100% Grassfed Beef" tab
4. Begin shopping from their selection of products
5. Checkout, and be sure to choose "Montgomery Farmers Market" under the "Location" section, and choose the date that you will be picking up on
6. Visit Montgomery Famers Market on Saturday to pick up your order
Steps To order from Timberlake Farms:
1. Visit their website at timberlakefarmstexas.com
2. Click on the "Shop Online" button
3. Begin shopping from their selection of products
4. Checkout, and be sure to choose "Montgomery Farmers Market" under the "Local Pickup Options" tab
5. Visit Montgomery Famers Market on Saturday to pick up your order
2. Click on the "Shop Online" button
3. Begin shopping from their selection of products
4. Checkout, and be sure to choose "Montgomery Farmers Market" under the "Local Pickup Options" tab
5. Visit Montgomery Famers Market on Saturday to pick up your order
Here is a quick video showing exactly how to order from Timberlake Farms on a mobile device as an example:
And that's all there is to it! You can now place orders online using your accounts anytime and have them delivered to MFM. When you place an order to be picked up at market on Saturday, make sure to come between our open hours from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and to bring a cooler for the trip home! Look for the the appropriate farms banner and let them know you placed an order online. You can always order directly on-site as well. You can also check out our various other vendors while at market, some of which also sell temperature controlled items, so that cooler may come in handy again. The vendors love to tell you about what they do and give you some helpful pointers, so be sure to ask lots of questions! We look forward to seeing you soon and hearing how you enjoy your grass fed and finished meat - bon appétit!
God Bless you!